Emily over here beat my sorry bum to it. But her thoughts inspired me to share my own. If you haven't made friends and formed a close relationship with Jesus Christ, i struggle to believe how you still sit here this day able to read these words (this font is rather annoying, i think my next step will be to change it) without sobs breaking forth from your mouth and tears spilling over your eyes. I know that would be my present state were it not for his constant companionship and atonement. Life is meaningless without my big brother, and you can't fathom how amazing it is to know that regardless of what i do, he is there to compensate for my MIND-BOGGLING incompetence. He and my Heavenly Father, combined with the comfort and direction from the spirit are the only reason i haven't had the mind to blindly walk straight off a thousand foot cliff. He loves me, and I love him. He will be, forever, my Savior, my Lord, my Redeemer, My everything.
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