As of a week from this coming Saturday, I will have my official PADI diver's license. :} :] C: :D :DDDDDD :O :O---- (that's me getting progressively so excited I vomit, which in the dive world is actually a great thing, because it attracts fishes. TMI? SHould I also tell you how my wetsuit's so tight my pee stays suspended inside until I take it off? Or that every diver pees all over themselves and their buddy?)
I woke up at an ungoshly hour last saturday to be at Kellogg Park at La Jolla Shores by 6:30. Striped down into a bathing suit in 28 degrees F to put on that cors--- wetsuit, nearly broke my back toting all that gear multiple times 500 miles to an from shore, drop my fin in 30 something feet of water, saw a bunch of cute patootie lobsters, and some REALLY EXCITING SAND DOLLARS!!! Not. But the lobsters were the bomb dig. Some pictures to prove.
Getting gear on probably burns more calories than climbing Mount Kilimanjaro in January, naked. |
Did i mention I study ballet? Or that I suck at it? |
I'm the big fat one on the far left. I kid, that's 7mm of wetsuit on my girlish figure. |
te amooo!