*cue obligatory new year's resolutions*
Hello lovelies! (All -17 of you). Thanks for waiting for 3 months. Luckily, the thousand deaths I went through in the last few weeks of school paid off to keeping my 4.0. I'd say it was worth it. Almost.
Goals for this year=
1. Read scriptures every day (-1 i fell asleep new years day, or some time this week:(((((((().
2. Pray morning and night every day
3. Raise 5,000 (at the very least) for la universidad
4. Get a part time (school year) and full time (summer) job
5. Determine whether or not i'm staying with soccer
6. Run a 5k, 10k and half marathon
7. Reach a new juggling record of 300 (I'M ONLY 218 AWAY :D LOLJK :'O)
8. make one new friend
9. write/call/email my family every Sunday
10. Read 50 books {they can be small, I'm allowing myself leeway here)
11. Get my license
12. Paint my bathroom
13. Beeeee happyyyyyy
14. keep my weight below a certain anonymous number (nonya buzynuss)
---some more normal ones--
15. blog once a week
16. Transition to a fashion blog in the summer (aint nobody got time for that come school time)
17. Get a 2100 on my SAT
18. Get a 30 on my ACT
19. Keep my 4.0
20. Apply to and get accepted to at least 5 universities (UCSD, BYUH, JCU anybody?)
21. Finish Personal Progress
22. Help somebody in need
23. Do lots of service (lotsa)
24. Take piano talent to the next level (whatever that level is)
25. Learn to surf
26. GO TO THE BEACH AT LEAST 20 times (1 time down Emily HOLLA)
27. List 50 items on my etsy shop
28. Run my etsy shop full time
29. Eats lots of frozen yogurt
--- this is becoming more of a want to do than a goals list. MY BLOG, MY LIST WHO CARES ---
30. Get over my addiction of frozen yogurt
31. Finish decorating both rooms
32. Pay more attention to my kitty boys (l;aksjgoihwaer school and all your time slurping powers)
33. write letters to my friends (emily might get her mishy call next week!)
34. Swim with sharks (the big guns. Sorry little leopards, you're cute and all....)
35. Get scuba certified (next week! ! ! !)
36. Watch all episodes of Downton Abbey (I just reached a new level of pathetic)
37. become proficient in cooking (baking is more of my thing)
38. use less parentheticals (....) just kidding you though I was that hypocritical?
Love more
Hate less
41. Have a summer romance
just kidding
Now, for those of most importance
42. Go to the temple once a month
43. Pay a full tithe
44. Read every New Era
45. Find my journal and journal every day possible
46. Become closer to my Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ, as well as the prophets, current and olden, and grow my testimony more than ever before